Winner of the Cascade Award for Contemporary Fiction

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Cassie Peterson lives in an invisible prison of fear, chained by self-doubt and guarded by a relentless warden—her husband. Derrick’s verbal abuse as well as his alcoholism have left Cassie alienated from her family, without friends, and certain she can’t survive on her own.

After an unexpected police visit, Cassie realizes the survival of her four-year-old daughter, Renee, depends on Cassie’s courage to leave. What she doesn’t plan on is Derrick’s vengeful custody fight.

While walking through the treacherous world of divorce, Cassie is encouraged by her spunky new friend, Missy Langdon, to pursue her love of waterfalls. Cassie finds solace in the waterfalls on the agonizing weekends she’s forced to hand Renee over to Derrick. Meanwhile, unexpected help comes in the form of Brian Sutton, an attorney at the firm where Cassie works—but what price will she ultimately pay for his assistance?

As Derrick’s threatening behavior escalates, Cassie questions her choices. How long will her daughter suffer before the custody case is resolved? Why is she drawn to waterfalls during this chaotic time? And who will stand with her when everything comes crashing down.

What people are saying about One Woman Falling…

“Melanie Campbell brings an authenticity to her story and an empathy for the struggles her characters face that will tug on the heart of every reader. This is an author to watch.”

Patricia Lee,
Author, Mended Hearts series

This is a powerful, memorable story of a woman struggling to retain her sanity and survival while protecting the welfare of a pre-school daughter when marriage turns toxic. Waterfalls serve as metaphors that mark her physical and spiritual journeys filled with danger, beauty and love.

Dean Rea,
Author and retired journalism professor

Melanie Campbell bravely speaks to a sensitive topic with authenticity and grace in her debut novel One Woman Falling. Her combination of well-developed characters, setting and suspense create a powerful narrative that takes the reader on a transformative and emotional journey.

Elisheba Haxby,
Author, Ninety-Nine Series

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